
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hello World! Or... what's left of it... - A Fresh Start

About five years ago, during one of my breaks in college, I had taken upon myself a very presumptious project - to make the world a better place one blog post at a time. 

I was finishing my first year of Political Science studies and was just done writing a paper about the Kyoto Accords and the diplomatic accurances around it. Specifically, I focused on the United States refusal to ratify the Kyoto Protocols despite the fact that its leaders were the main architects of the agreements. As I was doing research about the international talks for an environmental agreement, I learned that there are many grassroots movements around the world that are working to implement the core values of environmental living. These values and the actions behind them, for the most part, can be explained in both liberal and conservative terms. Moreover - many of the call-for-actions that these movements were simply logical on a very individualistic level and not just on a community level. 

Bujagali Falls, Uganda 2007
Bujagali Falls, Uganda
The more I've learned about how we as individuals can effect the world around us, the more I wanted to share those insights with others. And that's how the idea for this blog came about. I decided I will write one blogpost each day about one single action that one can take to make one's individual world a little better and more friendly to the environment. I've set myself a very high bar - producing 1001 Green Tips for a Better World. 

Being a college student, of course I had dropped the project when break was over and I had only gotten to Tip #24 (Don't Reload - Recharge)... 

I have never left my passion for living a more environmentally friendly life though and kept learning about different ways I can make my world better just by doing something different. Many times I have seen that making these changes would also benefit me economically and emotionally. 

In recent years I have been involved in social media promotions for several non profits that I support and work for. During that period I have learned many important lessons about blogging. Many of which showed me that regardless of me dropping the ball on my pretentious project, it would never have succeeded in its initial format. My posts were too short  for Search Engines to pick up; I was posting daily, which means people wouldn't subscribe to receive my posts by email; I wasn't giving any visual aids; Etc... etc... 

Taking all these technological lessons and environmental lessons in mind, and getting inspired by my wife's blog on minimalism, I believe that I am ready to start over. This time with a more measured progression. Instead of daily posts I will do my best to put up a new post every 7-10 days. The posts will discuss different topics and ideas about how to make small changes in your every day life to improve them and your local environment. All posts will be open for discussion , comments and suggestions and I hope I will learn even more from them.  In fact, I would live to know your thoughts about this current post.

So there we go! I look forward to seeing what this blog develops into. 

1 comment:

Marcey Goldstein said...

I can't wait to read them. hopefully I will be able to and be willing to implement some of your ideas. good luck.